Die 11 Gründe für übermäßiges Haarwachstum am männlichen Körper

The 11 reasons for excessive hair growth on the male body

Although the male body is already hairy in childhood, the hair becomes thicker during puberty. Beard growth in men also begins when they enter adulthood. For some men, a full beard is a sign of ...
Haarentfernungsspray: Hat es Nebenwirkungen, ist es sicher, und mehr

Hair removal spray: Does it have side effects, is it safe, and more

Although depilatory creams are used to quickly remove hair from the body and sometimes the face, the treatment can get a little messy. To make chemical depilation even easier, faster and without a...
Warum ist IPL nicht für dunkle Haut geeignet? (6 vorgeschlagene sichere Methoden)

Why is IPL not suitable for dark skin? (6 suggested safe methods)

To get rid of fast-growing body and facial hair, some people opt for hair removal in a salon, while others do the removal at home using waxing or shaving creams. These methods are either painful o...
Die 10 besten Methoden zur Entfernung von Haaren für Frauen im Intimbereich

The 10 best methods for removing hair in the intimate area for women

Just like body hair, removing pubic hair is a personal choice. Some women want a smooth, hairless pubic area, others want to keep it lightly groomed and leave a few hairs, and others prefer to leav...
Wie stoppt man den Juckreiz da unten direkt nach der Rasur?

How do you stop the itching down there right after shaving?

While shaving your intimate area is a personal choice, you may need to shave for aesthetic and hygienic reasons. Does it itch down there immediately after shaving? We have a list of remedies to he...
Wie macht man Schamhaare weich? Experten-Tipps!

How to soften pubic hair? Expert tips!

Pubic hair is curlier, thicker, coarser and rougher than hair on other parts of the body for a reason. Additionally, this hair is naturally moisturized by the production of sebum in the pubic skin...
Rasierpickel vermeiden: Dein Weg zu glatter Haut ohne Ärger

Avoid razor bumps: Your way to smooth skin without hassle

Razor bumps – small but powerful in their ability to make our lives difficult. They often appear after shaving, when cut hairs do not grow outwards, but bend under the skin and grow in. Whether ...
Erklärt: Ist Enthaarungscreme schädlich?

Explained: Is depilatory cream harmful?

There are many methods for removing unwanted hair, but one of the most common is certainly the depilatory cream. Its popularity is due to its ease of use and its ability to provide smooth skin wit...
Ist IPL Haarentfernung bei Schwangerschaft sicher?

Is IPL hair removal safe during pregnancy?

For many people, IPL hair removal is an attractive option for getting rid of unwanted body hair. But when it comes to expectant mothers, safety issues related to IPL and pregnancy are paramount. ...