Beste Methoden zur Haarentfernung im Intimbereich für Männer

Best methods for intimate hair removal for men

The intimate area is probably the most sensitive part of our body when it comes to skin care. For men, the groin area is an area that should be treated with particular care. While a little pain in...
Die 10 besten Haarentfernungsgeräte für Männer

The 10 best hair removal devices for men

Just like women, men also struggle with hair control. However, unlike most women, men's hair removal tends to focus more on the face than other parts of the body. For example, a man needs to trim o...
Kann man mit einem Elektrorasierer Rasiercreme verwenden

Can you use shaving cream with an electric razor

Few men today use a traditional razor and brush to trim their beards or remove unwanted hair from their bodies. The risk of ingrown hairs, cuts and bumps from the blades just isn't worth it. When ...
Kann ich IPL an meinen Hoden anwenden? Ist es sicher, IPL im Intimbereich zu verwenden?

Can I use IPL on my testicles? Is it safe to use IPL on my intimate area?

“Help! I have hairy testicles. What should I do? “ Have you ever caught yourself thinking this? If so, you are not alone. Pubic hair is a sensitive subject that is still not talked about very oft...
Die 11 Gründe für übermäßiges Haarwachstum am männlichen Körper

The 11 reasons for excessive hair growth on the male body

Although the male body is already hairy in childhood, the hair becomes thicker during puberty. Beard growth in men also begins when they enter adulthood. For some men, a full beard is a sign of ...
Verstärkt das Rasieren den Bartwuchs? Gründe und Fakten

Does shaving increase beard growth? Reasons and facts

The idea that a beard will grow thicker after shaving is desirable for the man who sees a beard as a sign of maturity, attractiveness and masculine charisma. For women, however, who find unwanted ...
Entfernung von Schamhaaren ohne Rasieren: 5 Methoden

Removing pubic hair without shaving: 5 methods

Male pubic hair can be a nuisance for some people, or some may want to remove it for sexual reasons or because of their partner's preferences. Although there are many ways to remove pubic hair, sh...
Ist der Bart-Halsausschnitt zu hoch? Die Methoden, um das zu beheben

Is the beard neckline too high? The methods to fix it

Women are not the only creatures who have to strive to look perfect at every opportunity. Men also have a hard time maintaining their appearance. This is especially true when it comes to growing an...
Rasieren mit Kokosnussöl: Vorteile und Nebenwirkungen

Shaving with coconut oil: benefits and side effects

There are several alternatives to shaving creams that can be used when shaving foam is not available. Coconut oil is very popular when shaving as it softens the hair and reduces friction. You can u...