Warum ist meine Gesichtsbehaarung blond?

Why is my facial hair blonde?

While a jet black or dark brown beard looks masculine and boosts a man's self-confidence, a blonde beard can make men suffer, as it makes even grown men look like they are going through puberty. ...
Was ist Bartbrand und wie heilt man ihn?

What is beard burn and how to cure it?

Beard burn is also known as beard rash, which is caused by the hair rubbing against the skin, which in turn causes skin irritation. This happens when the beard touches the skin. Beard rash can occu...
Rückenhaarentfernung für Männer: Alles, was du wissen musst

Back Hair Removal for Men: Everything You Need to Know

If you're uncomfortable with your back hair, you have no choice but to remove it. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about back hair removal, from the methods to tips on how ...
Sollten sich Männer die Brust rasieren? Leitfaden für Männer

Should Men Shave Their Chest? Guide for Men

Men with long and/or thick chest hair may find it annoying as it can be easily tugged and pulled. Due to some inconveniences, the trend of removing long chest hair is growing in Germany. Also, som...
Müssen Feuerwehrleute ihre Körperhaare rasieren?

Do firefighters have to shave their body hair?

Men love to show off their beards and sometimes their body hair. And many women also prefer men with beards. However, the general trends in men's body and facial hair are least disturbing when it ...
4 Anzeichen dafür, dass dir kein Bart wächst

4 Signs That Your Beard Is Not Growing

Beard growth refers to the growth of hair in the jaw, chin, cheeks and neck area. This hair growth usually begins during or after puberty. Young men often express the desire to grow a beard in orde...
Warum rasieren sich Fußballer die Beine?

Why do footballers shave their legs?

You may have noticed that most athletes, especially football players, shave their legs completely when you see them on the field. Is there a valid reason for this? Does shaving their legs affect th...
Auf welche Länge sollten Männer ihre Schamhaare trimmen?

How long should men trim their pubic hair?

Trimming pubic hair is one of the self-care and hygiene measures that every man should prioritize. However, trimming raises some questions: “ How long should men trim their pubic hair? ” This ques...
Sollten sich Männer die Haare an den Beinen rasieren? (Detaillierte Analyse)

Should men shave their leg hair? (Detailed analysis)

Shaving legs is gradually becoming a popular trend in the world of men's and women's grooming. Gone are the days when only women were associated with hairless and silky legs. Men now show off well-...