9 Nebenwirkungen beim Gesichtswaxing, die du kennen solltest

9 Nebenwirkungen beim Gesichtswaxing, die du kennen solltest

Heutzutage ist jeder darauf bedacht, eine geschmeidige Haut zu haben, und Gesichts- oder Körperbehaarung ist ihnen ein Dorn im Auge. Außerdem mag es nicht jeder, wenn eine andere Person seinen Körp...
7 Nachteile der Haarentfernung mit Sugaring, die du kennen solltest

7 Disadvantages of Hair Removal with Sugaring You Should Know

Sugaring hair removal has always been a reliable alternative to waxing. It uses gentle ingredients and is therefore more suitable for sensitive skin types. People also prepare sugar pastes at home...
Waxing vs. Laser-Haarentfernung: Was ist besser für dich?

Waxing vs. Laser Hair Removal: Which is Better for You?

Hair removal is a must to confidently wear any dress, look neat and feel safe and clean. There are various methods for this purpose such as waxing, plucking, epilation, laser and IPL. Waxing is mos...
9 Arten von Bikini Waxing: Welches ist das Richtige für dich?

9 Types of Bikini Waxing: Which One is Right for You?

When the hair down there has fully grown, it becomes itchy and causes discomfort. That's why many people choose to wax the bikini area to increase their comfort and maintain a clean look. This al...
Warum ist es nicht empfehlenswert, Pfirsichflaum zu waxen?

Why is it not recommended to wax peach fuzz?

You may know lanugo hair as “ peach fuzz . ” Some people don’t mind it, while others prefer to remove it because it makes the skin smoother. It also makes applying makeup easier when there is no ha...
Wie macht man das Waxing weniger schmerzhaft? 10 Tipps!

How to make waxing less painful? 10 tips!

Waxing is a popular hair removal method that has been used for centuries. It is easy, affordable, and reduces hair growth after each waxing session. However, there is no denying the pain that waxi...
Ist Waxing besser als Rasieren?

Is waxing better than shaving?

While waxing removes hair at the root, shaving cuts all the hair at skin level. With waxing, hair grows back more slowly, but the pain of pulling out so much hair at once can be unbearable for some...
Können die Haare zu lang für das Waxing sein?

Can the hair be too long for waxing?

Have you ever removed unwanted hair from your body with waxing and found that it either doesn't come off or it rips off in the middle instead of being pulled from the roots? And did you feel like y...
Histaminreaktion nach dem Waxing: Ursachen, Behandlung und mehr

Histamine reaction after waxing: causes, treatment and more

Do you often get itchy rashes and bumps on your skin after you finish waxing unwanted hair? And have you also noticed that these rashes are different from the allergies you usually have? If so, y...