Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device
Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device

Ulike Sapphire Air+ IPL device

Sale price349,00 €
Preis inkl. MwSt.
90-day money back guarantee
Free Shipping
Incl. customs & VAT.
Visible results in 4 weeks. Guaranteed
Patented sapphire ice cooling technology. Nazuhe pain-free
Works wherever hair grows

Blinkende Lichter können bei Personen mit lichtempfindlicher Epilepsie Anfälle auslösen oder Unbehagen verursachen.

130 € Rabatt
Code: SUMMER2024
Color:Dark green
Summer Limited Edition
Europäische Lagerhauslieferung

Real feedback from real people

Ich habe empfindliche Haut und habe Angst vor der Haarentfernung mit Wachs, die schmerzhaft ist und die Haut rot und juckend macht. Also kaufte ich Ulike mit der Idee......
Nach nur 3 Wochen habe ich festgestellt, dass der Haarwuchs deutlich zurückgegangen ist, so dass ich mich nicht mehr jeden Tag rasieren muss.
Das Ulike Haarentfernungsgerät ist wirklich kosteneffizient. Früher kostete es $400, um für das gleiche Ergebnis einmal in ein Kosmetikstudio zu gehen......
Ich war skeptisch, ob ein Gerät für zu Hause Ergebnisse liefern kann, aber wow. Zuallererst ist dies ein Luxusartikel. Die Verpackung, die Qualität...

Results in 4 weeks*

Achieve flawless skin and say goodbye to last-minute hair removal. With the powerful energy of the Saphir Air+ 19.8 J, you'll get visible salon-quality results within 4 weeks* (* refers to a reduction in hair count within 3 weeks, taken from third-party lab test reports. Individual results may vary) and prevent unruly hairs from bothering you ever again!

Results in 4 weeks*

Achieve flawless skin and say goodbye to last-minute hair removal. With the powerful energy of the Saphir Air+ 19.8 J, you'll get visible salon-quality results within 4 weeks* (* refers to a reduction in hair count within 3 weeks, taken from third-party lab test reports. Individual results may vary) and prevent unruly hairs from bothering you ever again!

Works from head to toe

The Sapphire Air series has 5 energy levels that are tailored to different areas of the body. For optimal results, you can adjust your treatment by choosing the right energy level.

Say goodbye to unwanted hair with personalized and effective treatments.

Effective & Nazuhe pain-free

Who says IPL hair removal has to be painful to be effective? With Ulike's patented Sapphire Ice Cooling technology, you'll experience pain-free and effective hair removal by reducing the contact temperature from burning hot to ice cold. Stick to your hair removal journey with Ulike's good hair removal devices.

Cheaper than shaving, as effective as laser

Choose Ulike IPL for a cost-effective hair removal option and make your time more meaningful.

Our no-shave guarantee

Our mission is to free you from the hassle of shaving. If you don't see lasting results in 90 days or less, simply pay the return fee (PS: free return labels are available for European users) and send your device back.


IPL (Intense Pulsed Light) hair removal works by delivering intense pulses of light that are absorbed by the pigments in the hair follicles. The absorbed light is then converted into heat that targets the hair follicles and inhibits further hair growth.

It is important to know that IPL treatment is most effective on people with light skin tones and darker hair colors. This is because the light energy is absorbed primarily by the melanin pigment in the hair. In people with melanin-rich skin, the excess melanin can also absorb the light energy, leading to possible skin damage.

Likewise, IPL may not be as effective on people with light hair colors such as blonde, gray or red. This is because these hair colors have lower melanin content, making it difficult for the IPL device to effectively reach the hair follicles.

To ensure the effectiveness and safety of IPL hair removal, we recommend that users refer to the skin tone chart provided before purchasing.

The IPL hair removal device is not recommended if you have any of the following:

- A known skin disease

- Skin diseases such as allergic dermatitis, eczema, etc.

- Photosensitive epilepsy or photosensitivity

- Menstruating, pregnant or breastfeeding

- Dark black or sunburned skin (see skin tone chart)

- Broken skin, scab or healed wound, cancer or hemangioma

- Any artificial aesthetic, prosthetic or plastic area

- Tattoo area

IPL (intense pulsed light) treatment uses strong, broad-spectrum pulses of light to treat hair at the root. The light is absorbed by the melanin in the hair follicle and then converted into heat, resulting in thinning hair growth and eventually a complete cessation of hair growth. Ulike's IPL devices are FDA/CE approved and offer a cost-effective, convenient solution compared to clinical lasers and traditional methods of hair removal.

We recommend using the device three times a week for the first month for best results, then use it every two weeks or once a month for a refresh if needed.

We also advise you to adapt your treatment to your hair growth. If you have areas of thicker hair or stubborn hair, you can increase the dosage and frequency of treatment. Always pay attention to your skin's reaction and adapt accordingly to ensure your comfort and avoid any discomfort or unwanted effects.

Most clients notice a significant hair reduction after just 3-4 weeks. With 2-3 treatments per week, the effect is fully visible after 12 weeks. After each treatment, the hair grows sparser and thinner. Eventually, the hair reduction becomes permanent. To maintain the smoothness of the skin, you need to do 1 treatment every 2 to 3 months or as needed. Both the result and the frequency of treatment vary from case to case.

According to FDA regulations, permanent hair removal means a continuous and consistent reduction in hair over a long period of time, which is what we offer, although some may interpret the term "permanent" differently. Please note that even the phototherapy used in clinics is not completely permanent.

IPL hair removal is generally considered to be much less painful and almost as effective as laser hair removal. Plus, Ulike is the only company that uses sapphire ice cooling technology to ensure completely pain-free sessions.

Yes, we recommend that you shave the treatment area before using your handset. Shaving the hair to the correct length will help the IPL device to better focus on the hair follicles.

Yes, you can use Ulike IPL devices on almost any part of your body. However, you should avoid using it directly on your genitals, eyes, tattooed areas, or areas of skin with open wounds. To make the treatment as comfortable as possible, we recommend treating sensitive areas such as the bikini line, inner thighs, and buttocks with the lowest power level.