Abgestorbene Haare nach dem Lasern ausreißen?

Pulling out dead hair after laser treatment?

One of the surprising elements of laser hair removal is that not all the hair falls out at once. Sometimes a few dead hairs and loose strands of hair remain, which is completely normal. Such dead h...
Kann man eine Laser-Haarentfernung über einer Tätowierung durchführen?

Can laser hair removal be performed over a tattoo?

Tattoos are works of art that are created using ink and needles that penetrate a deep layer of skin called the dermis to deliver the ink into the skin. If you've ever looked into ways to remove you...
Brasilianische Laser-Haarentfernung: Anleitung für Anfänger

Brazilian Laser Hair Removal: Guide for Beginners

Brazilian laser hair removal is a popular procedure for removing hair from the pubic area. Compared to waxing and shaving, it is a precise and efficient method. Below, we will discuss this process,...
Wie viel Schamhaar ist für eine Frau normal?

How much pubic hair is normal for a woman?

Pubic hair is a natural part of women and serves several purposes. It is important for keeping dust, bacteria and dirt away. In addition, pubic hair in women keeps the vulva warm and moisturized. ...
Rückenhaarentfernung für Männer: Alles, was du wissen musst

Back Hair Removal for Men: Everything You Need to Know

If you're uncomfortable with your back hair, you have no choice but to remove it. In this article, you'll learn everything you need to know about back hair removal, from the methods to tips on how ...
Darfst du nach dem Waxing duschen? Alles, was du wissen musst

Can you shower after waxing? Everything you need to know

The skin feels soft and smooth when you are done waxing the unwanted hair. Some wax residue remains on the skin and forces you to shower. But have you noticed that your skin is sensitive after sho...
Müssen Feuerwehrleute ihre Körperhaare rasieren?

Do firefighters have to shave their body hair?

Men love to show off their beards and sometimes their body hair. And many women also prefer men with beards. However, the general trends in men's body and facial hair are least disturbing when it ...
4 Anzeichen dafür, dass dir kein Bart wächst

4 Signs That Your Beard Is Not Growing

Beard growth refers to the growth of hair in the jaw, chin, cheeks and neck area. This hair growth usually begins during or after puberty. Young men often express the desire to grow a beard in orde...
Warum haben wir Achselhaare: Erfahre den wahren Grund

Why do we have armpit hair: Find out the real reason

Armpit hair is often seen as completely useless and many people find it primarily a nuisance. However, there are a number of reasons why we grow armpit hair, ranging from biological reasons to soci...