Was verursacht das Wachstum von Gesichtsbehaarung bei Frauen

What causes facial hair growth in women

Our diet and lifestyle play a major role in determining the hormone levels in our body. While genetics, medications and systemic diseases can cause excessive facial hair growth, hormones are the chemicals that control hirsutism.

So you're wondering if foods can alter hormone status and thus cause facial hair growth in women? And do you also want to know which foods have the potential to cause facial hair growth in women?

If so, you have come to the right place because in this article we will explain in more detail the effects of diet on facial hair growth.

Table of contents:

Can foods cause facial hair growth in women?

Yes, foods can cause excess facial hair growth in women. Although meals do not directly affect facial hair follicles, your diet is linked to hirsutism through indirect mechanisms.

These mechanisms include obesity, increased fatty acids, reduced insulin sensitivity and inflammation.

A study published by the World Health Organization shows that refined carbohydrates cause hirsutism and a plant-based diet can prevent it [1] . You will also learn about the list of the 6 best and worst foods for PCOS , as PCOS is the main cause of facial hair growth.

The 8 foods that cause facial hair growth in women

The 8 foods associated with increased facial hair growth in women are:

  1. Meat and poultry

The meat and poultry raised on the farms are not fed inorganic food. Some of them are also injected with hormones to promote their growth.

The presence of chemicals in meat and poultry can stimulate the release of testosterone in the female body. These male hormones cause the growth of facial hair.

In addition, broiler chickens in particular are known to cause hormonal imbalance [2] .

  1. Potatoes and oranges

Although potatoes do not increase testosterone levels in the body, they do convert testosterone into its active form, known as dihydrotestosterone. DHT is more potent than testosterone and causes the development of male characteristics in women.

Oranges also increase testosterone and DHT levels in the blood. The breakdown product of oranges, fructose, binds to the receptors involved in the metabolism of hormones in the liver.

As a result, the hormones are not metabolized and their increased levels promote hirsutism.

  1. Eggs

Most of the yolk is fat. It also contains high levels of cholesterol. Cholesterol is the precursor to steroid hormones, and steroid hormones are the main hormones that determine the thickness, density, and growth rate of hair follicles.

Therefore, egg yolk is not the best source of protein and nutrition for women with hirsutism.

  1. alcohol

A study by Oxford Academics has revealed the role of uncontrolled alcohol consumption in premenopausal women. According to this study, alcohol increases the levels of androgens and male hormones in the female body [3] .

Alcohol also causes fatty liver and an inflammatory response in the body, both of which lead to hormonal imbalances. So if you drink alcohol too often, it could be the cause of your hirsutism.

  1. Refined sugar

Refined carbohydrates are notorious for causing various health problems in the body. Some of the known effects of carbohydrates on the body are insulin resistance and increased levels of free fatty acids in the body.

Therefore, consumption of refined sugar is also associated with the growth of facial hair. One study concluded that refined carbohydrates caused PCOS-like features including hirsutism in female rats [4] .

  1. Fast food

Fast food is a combination of potatoes, processed ingredients, refined carbohydrates, cooked chicken, and saturated oil. So it is a combination of ingredients that are known to cause unwanted facial hair growth in women.

  1. A high-fat diet

A high-fat diet means that you will become overweight in a short period of time due to the accumulation of fats in your body. Being overweight itself is a major risk factor for a disruption of hormone levels and thus for hirsutism.

That is why we recommend that you lose weight and control your diet by following the tips presented in 10 Low Calorie, High Volume Meals for Weight Loss .

  1. Dairy products

While dairy products are necessary for a healthy lifestyle, they are not suitable for people with a history or risk factor for hormonal imbalance. This is because dairy products cause inflammation in the body.

In addition, cow's milk increases the risk of PCOS in women, and PCOS is associated with hirsutism [5] .

How to get rid of unwanted facial hair in women?

If you eat any of the meals mentioned in this article, the first step to getting rid of unwanted facial hair growth is to eliminate these foods and improve your lifestyle.

You can also try the following hair removal methods to get rid of unwanted facial hair in women.

  1. Natural remedies

Natural facial hair removal remedies have the fewest side effects and offer good results if you are consistent. In addition, natural remedies help moisturize and nourish the skin.

So here are some masks to reduce facial hair growth for you.

  • Face mask made from curd, turmeric and yoghurt
  • Face mask made from egg white and corn flour or baking powder
  • Gelatin and milk for hair removal

Also, remember that the results of home remedies are not immediate. You will need to be patient for a few weeks before you notice a decrease in hair growth.

  1. Temporary hair removal treatments

Home hair removal remedies are not suitable for women with thick facial hair because they are time-consuming and have little effect on coarse hair. In these circumstances, we recommend that you try other methods of facial hair removal.

Some temporary methods for hirsutism are:

  • Shaving or dermaplaning
  • Waxing
  • Pulling or tugging
  1. Long-lasting hair removal treatments

Most temporary facial hair removal methods are painful and also do not last long, so it is better to invest your money and time in long-term or medium-term hair removal methods that give better results.

Some of these methods are:

  • Electrolysis in practice
  • Laser hair removal in the salon
  • Laser hair removal at home or IPL
  1. The best method for facial hair removal

If we have to choose a facial hair removal method to get rid of unwanted hair, IPL will be at the top of the list. No other facial hair removal method can compete with IPL when it comes to practicality, price and long-lasting results.

That's why the Ulike Air 10 IPL can be the best facial hair removal method for you. Some of the countless reasons for this are:

  • Virtually painless hair removal thanks to Ulike’s ice cooling technology
  • A distinctive comfort mode with low intensity and high power output for the sensitive and delicate skin of the face
  • The mechanism that kills the hair follicles and prevents them from giving in to unwanted hair growth
  • A reasonable price, great discounts and the possibility to pay in installments
  • A well thought out and beautifully designed device that can enhance the grace of your bathroom shelf
  • Travel-friendly device


Contrary to popular belief, certain foods are strongly associated with increased facial hair growth. Most of these foods either trigger the production of testosterone, prevent it from binding to receptors, or reduce its metabolism.

The high levels of steroids, especially testosterone, in the body causes the growth of facial hair in women. These foods include potatoes, oranges, milk, yogurt, refined carbohydrates, poultry, meat and more.

We have discussed each of these foods in detail in this article, so eliminating these foods can help you reduce facial hair growth.

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  1. Association of diet with hirsutism in females of reproductive age. Rabail Javed, Farkhanda Ghafoor, Attiya Mehboob, Muhammad Aasim. 2012. WHO. Microsoft Word – 11.2012 hirsutism, PJMR-2012 _4_,p139-142
  2. Comparison of the effects of broiler and domestic chicken meat on serum testosterone and luteinizing hormone levels in rats. Mohammed Ali, Mohammed Bin Laden ... J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2019 Oct-Dec;31(4):485-490. PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31933296/
  3. ACUTE EFFECT OF ALCOHOL ON ANDROGENS IN PREMENOPAUSAL WOMEN. 1990. January 2000. Oxford Academics. https://academic.oup.com/alcalc/article/35/1/84/142595
  4. High-refined carbohydrate diet leads to polycystic ovary syndrome-like features and reduced ovarian reserve in female rats. Oscar MS Niño, Charles S da Costa, Karine M Torres. Toxicol Lett. 2020 Oct 10:332:42-55. doi: 10.1016. PubMed. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32629074/
  5. The relationship between intake of dairy products and polycystic ovary syndrome in women. Golnaz Rajaeieh, Mohamadreza Marasi, Zahra Shahshahan. Int J Prev Med. 2014 Jun; 5(6): 687–694. PubMedCentral. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4085920/

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