One of the basic rules of personal hygiene is to get rid of armpit hair, as this is where sweat and bacteria accumulate, leading to bad body odor. Here you will learn how to get rid of armpit odor and learn some tips and tricks.
Many women also worry that they will grow too long and pierce the skin. But we can assure you that this is not the case. Armpit hair only grows to a certain length and at a certain age it stops growing.
Now you are probably asking yourself: “ Why does armpit hair stop growing? ” and how to reduce its growth, right? We have all these answers for you, so just keep reading.
- Part 1: Does armpit hair stop growing after a certain length?
- Part 2: Does armpit hair stop growing as you age?
- Part 3: Why does armpit hair stop growing?
- Part 4: How long does it take for armpit hair to grow back?
- Part 5: How to stop armpit hair growth?
- Part 6: The Final Verdict
Does armpit hair stop growing after a certain length?
Armpit hair stops growing after a certain length. The fact is that hair on all parts of the body, from the scalp to the toes, does not grow beyond its predetermined length. The length is determined by the duration of the hair growth cycle.
The longer the cycle, the longer the hair. While head hair can grow to about one meter in length, armpit hair has a growth limit of a few centimeters. Armpit hair reaches a maximum length of 2 to 3 centimeters.
Does armpit hair stop growing as you get older?
Apart from the fact that hair growth stops at a certain length, armpit hair also stops growing after a certain age, which in most cases is in the 50s. Now let's look at the growth rate of armpit hair at different stages of life.
Armpit Hair Growth in Childhood
During childhood, little to no hair grows in the armpits. This is because adult hormones are not yet released to stimulate hair growth. And even if children do have armpit hair, it is usually fine and soft vellus hair.
Armpit hair growth during puberty and adolescence
When the child reaches puberty, he or she goes through a change caused by the production of adrenal hormones. This change is called adrenarche and is characterized by the development of pubic and armpit hair. The fine vellus hair develops into dark and thick armpit hair when the child reaches puberty.
Armpit Hair Growth in Adulthood
During your 20s to 40s, hair growth rate, length, darkness and thickness remain the same unless affected by hormonal changes such as pregnancy, systemic disease or medications.
Armpit hair growth during menopause
A woman enters menopause in her 50s. The hormone levels released during puberty decrease significantly during menopause. As a result, armpit hair also becomes thinner. In addition, the hair loses its pigmentation and turns gray.
Armpit hair growth after menopause
Menopause is usually over when a woman turns 60. If she does not take hormone replacement therapy, all of her armpit hair falls out. In other words, armpit hair stops growing with age.
Why does armpit hair stop growing?
The reason why armpit hair stops growing after a certain length is described as follows:
- Anagen: This is the first phase of the hair growth cycle. This is where the hair actively grows and reaches a certain length. This phase lasts a few weeks. The length is determined by the length of time the hair is in the anagen phase, and this duration is genetically determined.
- Catagen: In the second phase of the hair growth cycle, the blood and nutrient supply to the hair follicle is interrupted. As a result, the hair stops growing. This phase lasts a few days.
- Telogen: The telogen phase, also called the resting phase of the armpit hair cycle, is characterized by a complete inhibition of hair growth. Here the hair rests for a few months.
- Exogenous: In the final phase of the hair growth cycle, the hair finally falls out of the follicle and new hair begins to regenerate.
Note: Since the anagen phase only lasts a few weeks, armpit hair also stops growing at a certain length. On the other hand, the anagen phase of head hair lasts for many years and makes it grow much longer.
In addition, armpit hair stops growing as we age because the levels of hormones that stimulate armpit hair follicles decrease.
How long does it take for armpit hair to grow back?
Whether you remove your armpit hair or let it grow is your decision. So if you want to grow your shaved or waxed armpit hair, let's find out how long it takes for armpit hair to grow back.
Armpit hair takes longer to grow back if you've waxed it and shorter if you've shaved it. Once the hair has grown out of the follicle and is visible on the skin, it takes about 1 month to grow to 1 inch.
In addition, the speed of hair growth varies greatly depending on hormonal status and genetics. Armpit hair, for example, reaches its full length within 2 to 3 months.
How to stop armpit hair growth?
If you are planning to stop armpit hair growth, here are the 2 foolproof methods for you.
laser hair removal in a salon
Laser hair removal is an expensive, in-salon hair removal procedure that works on the principle of selective photothermolysis. Selective photothermolysis is a procedure in which light is absorbed in a specific area of the body while the other areas remain intact.
During laser hair removal, the light is absorbed into the dark pigment of the thick armpit hair. Once the light reaches the hair roots, it is converted into heat energy and destroys the hair follicles.
Additionally, the hair must be in the anagen phase of the hair growth cycle for the laser to work effectively. So the heat energy either kills the follicle or puts it into a resting phase. The result is that the regrowth of armpit hair stops.
We have already talked about how many sessions of laser hair removal you need. That you need 5 to 10 sessions for laser hair removal for underarm hair. Also, you need to keep the following points in mind when doing laser hair removal for underarms .
- Duration of the session: Each session is held at intervals of 4 to 6 weeks
- Pain level: Laser hair removal can be painful in the armpits because the hair is thick and the skin is delicate and sensitive
- Skin care: Pre- and post-care for laser hair removal is crucial for optimal results
- Follow-up treatments: You may need annual follow-up treatments after your first hair removal treatment.
IPL hair removal handheld device for home
If you choose a gentle method of hair removal to get rid of armpit hair, IPL hair removal is the better choice. IPL works on the same principle as laser hair removal and the differences between the two are explained in “ Ulike IPL Technology vs. Others: What’s the Difference? ”
If you choose the Ulike Air 10 IPL hair removal for face, pubic hair and body hair , you will benefit from many advantages:
- Hair removal experience: Comfortable hair removal with Ulike's ice cooling technology
- About the device: Lifelong investment through unlimited " Flashing ” by Ulike
- Intensity Levels: Customizable hair removal with Ulike's comfort levels
- Convenient: Affordable and convenient treatment sessions at home
- Duration of results: Full underarm hair removal results within 12 weeks and significant reduction in hair growth in just 2 weeks.
The final verdict
If you think that your armpit hair will soon reach your stomach if you don't trim it regularly, we can confirm that this is not possible because the length of armpit hair is already fixed.
The deciding factor is the duration of the different phases of the hair growth cycle, especially the anagen phase. Hair reaches its full length once it has passed the anagen phase.
In addition, hair stops growing after the age of 60 because there are no hormones that stimulate the hair follicles and lead to the development of new armpit hair.