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Does shaving increase beard growth? Reasons and facts

The idea that a beard will grow thicker after shaving is desirable for the man who sees a beard as a sign of maturity, attractiveness and masculine charisma. For women, however, who find unwanted facial hair unsightly, the same idea is sobering. Whether it is our beautiful ladies with flawless skin or our handsome men with growing beards, both prick up their ears when they hear: Shaving increases beard growth .

While some people claim it as fact based on their experiences, experts consider it a myth. So what is the reality behind this so-called myth? In this article, we will talk about how shaving affects beard growth and why hair appears thicker after shaving. We also have a few tips to stimulate beard growth in men and reduce unwanted facial hair in women.

So let’s get started without delay.

Table of contents:

Hair growth cycle

We can only understand facial hair regrowth and its connection to shaving if we know the hair growth cycle, so let's take a look at how body hair grows.


The first phase of the hair growth cycle is the anagen phase. During this phase, hair follicles form hair roots by absorbing nutrients from the blood supply. Hair then begins to grow from the roots.


This is the phase when the hair strands emerge from the surface of the skin and grow through the hair roots and sebaceous glands. During this phase, the hair grows to its full length and stops growing.


Telogen is the resting phase of the hair growth cycle. During this phase, the hair stays as it is for a few weeks before entering the final phase. Also note the duration of these phases in relation to the part of the body where they grow.


Exogenous is the final phase of the hair growth cycle. In this phase, the hair is moved from the roots and shed with minimal pressure.

After a full cycle is completed, the hair begins a new cycle of growing and falling out. This process continues as long as there are hair follicles.

The process and science behind shaving

Shaving is a method of hair removal that involves cutting the hair above the surface of the skin at any level. You can trim the hair along its entire length to get a clean shave, or cut it at a specific height to maintain your beard. Depending on your preference, an electric razor or a blade can be used, as explained in Razor vs. Blade. However, both methods do not go any deeper than the surface of the skin where the hair grows.

If we look at how the hair cycle works, it is clear that it is the hair follicles that produce the hair. Since shaving has no direct effect on the hair follicles, it does not alter the growth of the hair, as science has proven.

The facts behind beard growth

Now let’s look at the reality behind facial hair growth.

Factors that determine beard growth

Below are the factors that primarily determine beard growth.

  • Age: The beard begins to grow in men during puberty. At first, the hair only grows in patches and is thin. As the beard gets older, it becomes fuller and thicker and continues to grow into old age. In women, the growth of facial hair also becomes visible during puberty.
  • Genetics: The most important factor in beard growth is genetics. Your genes determine how thick your beard will be, how early it will grow, how dark the hair will be and how fast it will grow. Looking at your ancestors' beards can give you insight into genetics.
  • Hormones: Another factor that causes a beard to grow quickly or slowly is the level of testosterone in the body. This male hormone stimulates the hair follicles to produce a beard as a secondary sexual characteristic. The same hormone is also responsible for excessive hair growth in women with PCOS .
  • Environmental factors: Environmental factors such as your diet, applying nutrients to the beard, multivitamins, pollutants and sunlight, stress and medications can easily affect the rate of beard growth.

The rate of beard growth in men over time

The rate of beard growth varies depending on the factors mentioned above. On average, beard hairs grow 0.05 to 0.4 mm every day, so within a month you will have a beard of 1.4 to 12 cm in length. However, even for an individual, the rate of beard growth is not constant and can fluctuate at any point in life. You can also find detailed information about the growth rate of facial hair at How long it takes to grow a beard or mustache .

How long does it take for facial hair to grow back after shaving?

Hair continues to grow at a normal rate even after shaving. So it takes about 24 to 48 hours for facial hair to grow back after shaving and become visible on the skin. Peach fuzz on the face also grows back to its full length within a few weeks, and coarse facial hair takes just as long to grow back after shaving.

The appearance of beard hair

Freshly shaved beards have neat hair with the ends trimmed, making it look darker, fuller and thicker. However, the same beard will start to look thinner after about a month. This is because shaving products, dust, UV rays and other environmental factors thin the hair and also slightly discolor it.

Does shaving increase beard growth?

You should be able to answer that question by now, right? Even if you can't, let me connect the dots and make it easy for you. Shaving can neither increase nor decrease beard growth because it has no influence on genetics, environment, diet, age, or any other factor that stimulates hair follicles to produce a beard.

However, the beard appears thicker after shaving because the thin, pointed ends of the adult hairs are removed, leaving thick, blunt ends. In addition, hairs trimmed in the catagen or telogen phase appear darker.

How to make a beard grow faster? (For our gentlemen)

How to grow a beard faster and thicker if you don't shave? The following tips can give you an answer.

  • Keep skin clean: Give your hair room to grow by removing dead skin cells, impurities and sebum that may block the hair roots and hinder hair growth. Also, keep your skin clean to create a better environment for hair growth.

  • Avoid shaving too often: Your beard will grow at the same rate whether you trim it or not, so decide on an optimal length and only shave the beard when the hair grows beyond it. If you shave every other day, your beard will never have time to grow to the desired length.

  • Use a beard growth oil: Provide nutrients to your hair. There are various beard oils available on the market that work just like hair oils and help your beard grow healthier by providing nutrients directly to the hair roots.

  • Treat and prevent ingrown hairs: Use the right technique when shaving your hair. Also, make sure your skin is well exfoliated. This will help prevent ingrown hairs from occurring. If you already have them, follow the best ingrown hair removal methods to get rid of them.

  • Optimize your lifestyle: Keeping your stress under control, optimizing your water consumption, eating a balanced diet and maintaining your exercise routine can also help promote beard growth by counteracting the environmental factors that reduce it.

How to slow down facial hair regrowth? (For our ladies)

While men want to have a visibly thick beard, women don't, right? So, below are ways to prevent excessive facial hair growth in women.

    • Treat the cause: Excessive facial hair growth can be caused by hormonal imbalance, PCOS, medications like minoxidil, and more. That's why you should see a dermatologist to help you find out the cause of hirsutism and treat it.
    • Watch your diet: Avoid processed foods, hormone-treated meat and fast food. This will help keep obesity and hormonal imbalance at bay.
    • Use a hair inhibitor: Topical application of creams and serums containing eflornithine has been scientifically proven to reduce facial hair regrowth.
    • Temporary hair removal methods: While shaving facial hair makes the blunt ends more visible as they grow, hair removal methods such as waxing, threading and plucking remove the hair at the root and provide 1 month of hair-free skin. In addition, the hair will grow back finer.
    • Permanent methods of hair removal: Permanent methods such as laser , IPL and electrolysis can be the ultimate solution for unwanted facial hair. Ulike Air 10 , for example, offers dermatologist-recommended permanent facial hair removal within 3 weeks. It also ensures that hair removal is super fast, painless, effective and skin-friendly.

The final verdict

Beard or facial hair growth does not increase after shaving, nor does hair become thicker, longer or coarser after being trimmed with a razor. However, it does appear darker and thicker because the blunt ends of the hair that have just been cut come to the surface.

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