Fadenziehen der Oberlippe: Vorteile, Nachteile, Kosten und FAQs

Upper lip threading: advantages, disadvantages, costs and FAQs

Upper lip threading is one of the most traditional methods of removing hair on the upper lip. Threading originated in Iraq and India, where it was used to groom the eyebrows, and has found its way...
Kinnhaare zupfen: Die Schäden und alternative Methoden

Plucking chin hair: The damage and alternative methods

Although many women have thin hair, it is thin, fine and light vellus hair, which does not harm women's self-confidence. However, some have thick, dark and long hair on their chin. This can be few ...
Kann man mit einem Elektrorasierer Rasiercreme verwenden

Can you use shaving cream with an electric razor

Few men today use a traditional razor and brush to trim their beards or remove unwanted hair from their bodies. The risk of ingrown hairs, cuts and bumps from the blades just isn't worth it. When ...
Schnurrbart-Schatten loswird: Methoden & Tipps

Getting rid of mustache shadow: methods & tips

The mustache shadow is the dark appearance of your upper lip area that usually occurs when you have shaved, waxed, or removed your upper lip hair in some way. It gives women a rather masculine app...
Wie behandelt man Hautrisse vom Waxing schnell?

How to quickly treat cracked skin from waxing?

Waxing is the preferred method of hair removal if you want to stay hair-free longer than shaving . So you put up with the pain and have the unwanted hair ripped out from the root. But does the p...
Verursacht Enthaarungscreme Krebs?

Does hair removal cream cause cancer?

Removing your body hair is no longer difficult. You can use waxing, plucking, threading, laser, IPL and depilatory creams to get rid of all those hairs. Our choice depends entirely on whether we ca...
Wie wird man Erdbeerarme schnell zu Hause los? (9 Methoden)

How to get rid of strawberry arms quickly at home? (9 methods)

While strawberry skin is common on the legs, it's not uncommon for small dark spots to appear on the skin of the arms. Strawberry arms after a fresh shave can put a damper on your mood just before...
Wie man das Wachstum von Gesichtshaaren bei Frauen stoppt

How to stop facial hair growth in women

Excessive facial hair growth in women, also called hirsutism, is mainly associated with hormonal disorders that stimulate hair follicles in the areas where hair does not grow. This unwanted facial...
Damenbart entfernen: effektive Methoden und natürliche Hausmittel

Removing facial hair: effective methods and natural home remedies

External appearance is closely linked to self-confidence. Many women are faced with an important decision: should they permanently remove their facial hair or not? This choice is far more than just...