Ist IPL zu Hause während der Schwangerschaft in Ordnung?

Hair Removal Basics: Is IPL OK at Home During Pregnancy?

This article will explore how pregnancy can affect the body's hair cycle and how the IPL hair removal method works to understand if it is safe to use IPL during pregnancy and breastfeeding or if it...
Wie behandelt man Hyperpigmentierung nach einer Laser-Haarentfernung?

How to treat hyperpigmentation after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal treatment can do wonders to the treatment area such as hair-free, smooth, soft, glowing and sexy skin, but a single wrong step by the patient or the beautician can make the resu...
Wie lange dauert es, bis Beinhaare nachwachsen?

How long does it take for leg hair to grow back?

Have you removed your leg hair and wondered when it will grow back? Perhaps you have noticed a seeming competition between your head hair and your leg hair, where your head hair seems to be laggin...
IPL-Haarentfernungsleitfaden: Ultimative Anleitung 2024

IPL Hair Removal Guide: Ultimate Guide 2024

If you are someone who uses various methods to remove unwanted hair, it is impossible that you are not aware of IPL hair removal . The hype surrounding this method has been everywhere for several y...
Wie behandelt man Follikulitis nach einer Laser-Haarentfernung?

How to treat folliculitis after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal is considered the solution for all hair problems such as ingrown hairs, hirsutism, rapid hair regrowth, Strawberry legs and more. However, in rare cases it also causes hair foll...
Wie entfernt man unerwünschte Haare zu Hause mit Vaseline?

How to remove unwanted hair at home with Vaseline?

Vaseline, a petroleum jelly-infused product, has been used for years for its many effects. People use it to heal their dry and cracked skin and even to prevent diaper rashes in their babies. It is ...
Was verursacht das Wachstum von Gesichtsbehaarung bei Frauen

What causes facial hair growth in women

Our diet and lifestyle play a major role in determining the hormone levels in our body. While genetics, medications and systemic diseases can cause excessive facial hair growth, hormones are the c...
Verursachen IPL-Geräte Krebs? (Tipps zur sicheren Anwendung)

Do IPL devices cause cancer? (Tips for safe use)

IPL hair removal is a useful method for achieving long-lasting smooth skin. It provides results over months to years by eliminating hair follicles. Salons are available for IPL hair removal, but IP...
Rasieren mit Kokosnussöl: Vorteile und Nebenwirkungen

Shaving with coconut oil: benefits and side effects

There are several alternatives to shaving creams that can be used when shaving foam is not available. Coconut oil is very popular when shaving as it softens the hair and reduces friction. You can u...