3 Gründe für haarige Zehen und 7 Methoden, sie zu behandeln

3 Reasons for Hairy Toes and 7 Ways to Treat Them

Hair on your toes is not very aesthetic, especially if you are a woman. So, do you also have unwanted hair growing in an unexpected place like your toe? And are you wondering why this is the case or if it indicates a serious underlying condition?

These toe hairs are also considered a sign of poor health or increased blood circulation. However, this is just a myth that you should not believe. The connection between blood circulation and hairy toes is not as strong as one might think.

Additionally, hairy toes can be caused by heredity, unbalanced hormones, PCOS, and medications. We will discuss these factors in more detail today.

So let’s take a closer look at the reasons for hairy toes and how to remove the hair.

    Table of contents:

    Why are my toes hairy?

    Natural differences in hair growth patterns contribute to excessive hair growth on different parts of the body. Hairy toes are another example of this variation. The three main reasons for hairy toes are:

    1. Genetics and inheritance:

    Hair growth depends heavily on genetics. If your parents or grandparents have hairy toes, you will probably also have extreme hair growth on your toes.

    This is because you inherit the hair follicle and androgen sensitivity directly.

    1. Abnormal hormonal condition:

    Hormones such as androgen or testosterone stimulate the growth of thick and dark hair on the body. Most often, people have thick hair on their face, chest and pubic area.

    For example, if you have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), there is an overproduction of androgens, which changes the hair growth pattern.

    1. Hirsutism-inducing drugs:

    You should also check your medications to know the reason for hairy toes. Some medications like anabolic steroids, danazol and corticosteroids lead to more hair on your body. You should check the medications or see a doctor to change them.


    Hairy toes are not a bad thing. In our society, hair on the toes is usually taboo, but it is normal and does not cause any health problems.

    Are hairy toes a sign of good circulation?

    The simple answer is NO. We associate hair growth with blood circulation. But that is not always the case. Yes, blood circulation is good for your overall health, especially cardiovascular health.

    The connection between blood circulation and the health of body and toe hair

    The rapid blood flow ensures that oxygen reaches every organ in your body and toxins are eliminated. But that has nothing to do with the hair on your toes.

    You will also find that some people have similar blood flow rates but different hair growth rates, or the same hair growth rates but different blood flow rates.

    Also, we already mentioned that hairy toes depend on hormones and genetics, so if you have imbalanced androgen and testosterone levels, you will have more hair on different parts of your body, not just your toes.

    How do I get rid of toe hair?

    There are different methods and you can choose them according to your preferences.

    For example, if you want instant results, you should opt for shaving, trimming or depilatory creams and if you want long-lasting results, you should opt for lasers, IPL devices and electrolysis treatments.

    Let us compare the two methods here.

    1. Simple methods for home:

    Some options for removing toe hair at home include:

    Quick shave:

    It is an affordable method. All you need is a good quality razor and soap. Gently rub the soap in and wipe it off. Now use the razor in the direction of the hair to avoid problems with ingrown hairs. Shaving is only temporary and the hair will grow back quickly as it does not remove the hair follicles.

    Long-lasting sugaring and waxing:

    Waxing is also inexpensive. However, you need patience to endure the pain of waxing on small areas like your toes. It is also not a permanent method, but your hair will not grow back as quickly due to the removal of the follicles.

    Sensitive and skin-friendly thread removal:

    This method involves using a loop of thread as a scissor or trimmer on your hair. It removes the follicles from the skin, but is still not a permanent solution for hair growth.

    Practical creams for hair removal:

    These creams are undoubtedly cheap and quick options for hair removal, but they make your skin dark. They are both safe and unsafe. If you have sensitive skin, we advise you not to use depilatory creams.

    1. Long-lasting toe hair removal at home - IPL device

    IPL hair removal devices are trending today because they provide long-lasting and almost painless results. Results may vary depending on the quality of the device and your hair type, so you should buy a high-quality IPL hair removal device like the Ulike Air 10 to get maximum results.

    You won't regret investing in this device. Most users have seen results in the first three weeks of purchase. It is safe to use at home and will not irritate or inflame your skin. However, make sure not to wax or use harsh products after use. Instead, apply soothing and rich moisturizers.

    1. Clinical method for toe hair removal:

    Long-lasting electrolysis treatment:

    You cannot perform this method at home. A dermatologist and a trained professional can perform this treatment in clinics. They insert an electric wire into the hair follicle. Don't worry, the wire does not go through the skin.

    This electrical wire heats up the hair follicle and kills the hair root. Eventually, your hair falls out of your skin. Plus, it's a permanent solution.

    Long-lasting laser hair removal:

    This method targets a laser beam at the hair. The hair pigments absorb the light and destroy the hair follicle. As with electrolysis, the hair falls out of the skin after a while. You should choose this option if you have enough budget and can afford several sessions.

    It is a nearly permanent and precise method. The skin around the treated area remains undamaged. For the right treatment, you must consult a good dermatologist.

    The final verdict

    Your skin can have hair anywhere and that is normal, so accept yourself as you are instead of complaining. Yes, if you feel it is due to a disease, you can see a doctor and take medication.

    However, it has nothing to do with any disease other than a hormonal imbalance. And you don't need to worry because you can easily get rid of the unwanted toe hair at home and also with professional treatments.

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