Wie beschleunigt man den Haarausfall nach einer Laser-Haarentfernung?

How to speed up hair loss after laser hair removal?

Hair loss is the phenomenon of your grown hair falling out so that new hair can take its place. This is how the hair growth cycle works. Hair loss is a natural phenomenon, but it is also common with laser hair removal.

The only difference is that the hair that falls out is not replaced by new hair. Did you also experience hair loss during your sessions? Are you wondering how to speed up hair loss after laser hair removal? We have the solution for you.

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What is hair loss after laser hair removal?

Laser hair removal causes hair to fall out. This is a normal process after this hair removal procedure, which lasts for a semi-long period. Since the laser only destroys the hair follicles, they can no longer hold the hair strands and the hair that has already grown falls out of the skin in the form of hair loss. Let's see how this happens.

There are four phases of the hair growth cycle: the anagen, catagen, telogen and exogenous phases. In the anagen phase, hair grows from the hair follicles, while in the catagen phase, the follicles shrink and hair growth slows down. Then comes the telogen phase, where hair growth stops, and after a while, the hair falls out from the follicles in the exogenous phase.

Laser hair removal is most effective in the anagen phase. Since not all the hair on the body is in the same phase, laser hair removal requires multiple sessions. It helps remove all the hair in the anagen phase. When the hair is captured in the anagen phase, it starts to fall out. That's why your hair falls out after each session.

Does it increase hair regrowth? Does stubble grow back after hair removal? No. Hair loss indicates that laser hair removal was successful and hair regrowth is less and slower.

What does hair loss look like after laser hair removal?

Stubble does not grow back due to hair loss, but you may notice a slight appearance of blackheads or stubble during the hair loss. This stubble look only lasts during laser hair removal.

The appearance can vary depending on the texture and thickness of your hair. Coarse hair is more noticeable and falls out in clumps. Thinner hair, on the other hand, falls out slowly and may even go unnoticed. Let's take a look at what hair loss looks like with laser hair removal.

So everyone can have different experiences depending on the treatment area, number of sessions and coarseness of the hair.

When does hair loss start after laser hair removal?

Hair loss does not begin immediately after laser hair removal. For some people, it may start within 1 week of hair removal, while for others it may start later. However, this is completely normal, as the usual time frame for this process is 1-3 weeks.

The onset of the failure depends on various factors, such as:

  • The treated area : The area to be treated, the type of hair in that area and the thickness of the epidermis can influence the onset of hair loss
  • Hair growth cycle: Hair loss begins faster when more hairs are effectively captured in the anagen phase
  • Number of sessions: Hair loss does not start after one session of laser hair removal. It may take a few sessions for the hair to fall out.

How long does hair loss last after laser hair removal?

Once hair loss begins, it can last for days or even weeks. Typically, it lasts 10-14 days. However, since the onset of hair loss varies, the duration of hair loss also depends on the condition of your skin, the duration of each phase of your hair growth cycle and the treatment sessions.

The duration is variable, but it can never last forever. After each laser hair removal treatment, you will notice hair loss. But as the sessions come to an end and hair growth slows down, hair loss will also decrease and eventually stop after the laser session.

How to speed up hair loss after laser hair removal?

Are you tired of little hairs falling on your bed or in your bathtub? Are the little hairs sticking to your clothes triggering your OCD? How long will it take? Can you speed up hair loss? Yes, you can:

Gently exfoliate the area

A gentle exfoliation 48-72 hours after your laser hair removal can speed up hair loss. A slow and gentle exfoliation will help you remove dead cells, dirt and other impurities from your skin.

This can make your hair detach from the follicles more easily and fall out. Avoid exfoliating too often as this can cause redness, inflammation and disruption of the epidermis.


Keep your skin well moisturized. Apply a gentle, chemical-free moisturizer to your skin after your laser hair removal. This will help your skin regain its lost moisture and become softer. When your skin becomes softer, your hair can push through the skin more easily and fall out.

Consult an expert

If you have found products that accelerate hair loss or hear about a new method, you should consult an expert first before trying it. This will give you better advice about your skin type and the method that suits you best.

It is important to remember that laser hair removal does not end with your visit to the practitioner. Proper aftercare and hydration are necessary for hair removal to be successful and safe.

Hair loss vs. permanent hair reduction

Hair loss and permanent hair reduction are two terms most commonly associated with laser hair removal. Both terms result in a hairless body, but they are not the same. Hair loss is a temporary process that occurs a few days after a laser treatment. Permanent hair reduction, on the other hand, refers to a long-lasting reduction in hair growth.

Hair loss is caused by the hair detaching from the hair follicles, while hair reduction is caused by damage to the hair follicles. With each laser treatment, the hair follicles are destroyed, the hair falls out and grows back slowly and less densely, resulting in long-lasting hair reduction.

So, for long-lasting smooth skin after laser hair removal, everyone has to accept hair loss. So don't worry if you see a few hairs falling out and trust the process to get useful results.


The laser from a laser hair removal device destroys the hair follicles, causing hair loss. This is completely normal and occurs 1-3 weeks after laser treatment and lasts for a few days to weeks. The onset and duration vary depending on the treatment area, hair structure and treatment characteristics.

To speed up the process, you can try exfoliating and moisturizing your skin. These steps are important not only for hair loss, but also for allowing your skin to heal properly after laser hair removal. Preventing hair loss, taking proper skin care before and after treatment, and following your practitioner's instructions can help ensure the process goes perfectly and you can enjoy long-lasting results.

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