Unleash the power of 21J energy that delivers remarkable results in just 3 weeks! Say goodbye to unwanted hair and enjoy the confidence of smoother skin - the perfect solution for your party stuff!
Improved ice cooling for ultimate comfort
Experience the next level of comfort with Sapphire Ice Cooling Technology. Our improved patented Quadro cooling system lowers skin temperature to 10℃ for a refreshing and comfortable hair removal experience.
Effortless hair removal, lightning fast
New automatic flash function without thumb - no more finger pressure required! With an impressive flash speed of 0.7 seconds, you can remove hair from your entire body in just 12 minutes.
Before, afterwards:
1-3 weeks
4-6 weeks
7-10 weeks
After less than 3 weeks of consistent treatment, you will notice a visible reduction in hair growth.
*3 treatments per week
After 6 weeks of consistent bi-weekly treatments, the hair follicles begin to shrink and the hair root falls out.
*2 treatments per week
Most people have achieved the desired results in this phase; the skin becomes smooth and hair-free.
*1-2 monthly treatments for maintenance
Works from head to toe
The Sapphire Air series has 5 energy levels that are tailored to different areas of the body. For optimal results, you can adjust your treatment by choosing the right energy level.
Say goodbye to unwanted hair with personalized and effective treatments.
Popular with 4,000,000 happy Ulike users. Millions of people have turned to Ulike for a pain-free and affordable alternative to laser hair removal.
Certified as Skin-Safe Technology
Ulike IPL has over 30 safety certifications to ensure your skin is protected from harmful UV light and provides a comfortable and reliable hair removal experience.