Laser-Haarentfernung zu Hause vs. Professionell

Laser Hair Removal at Home vs. Professional

Have you tried countless hair removal methods, both in the salon and at home, from waxing and threading to epilation? But so far, all the methods have disappointed you in one way or another. So you have no other choice but to try laser hair removal.

But maybe you have concerns about using lasers? Is laser hair removal safe for your skin in the long term? Will you be treated gently during the procedure? Or are you worried that laser hair removal in a clinic might be uncomfortable? And are there safety concerns about the effectiveness, accuracy and potential effects of using hair laser devices at home?

Don't worry! We have the solution for all your concerns. Laser hair removal, whether at home or in a professional clinic, offers an effective way to get rid of unwanted hair without the inconvenience that can occur with other methods. However, we should not hide the fact that laser hair removal also comes with its own challenges.


So let’s learn more about the different aspects of laser hair removal.

Can you safely perform laser hair removal at home?

At-home laser hair removal devices use intense, lower intensity pulsed light instead of the high intensity laser light used in professional clinics. This allows anyone to perform the procedure in the privacy of their own home. Due to the comparatively lower power of the home devices, slightly more sessions may be required to achieve the desired results.

The maximum side effects of home laser devices are usually limited to slight redness of the skin or a slight tingling sensation during use. In addition, some devices, such as the Ulike Saphir Air3 IPL hair removal device , are equipped with technologies that can minimize or prevent such side effects. This means that you can perform laser hair removal comfortably and worry-free without having to worry about unpleasant side effects.

Laser hair removal at home vs. professional

Now let’s see what distinguishes laser hair removal at home from professional laser hair removal.

1. Power and intensity of the light used: Winner - Professional

The key differentiator in laser hair removal, whether it's performed by a professional or you do it yourself, is the strength and intensity of the light used. Professionals usually use laser devices with an energy output of around 40 J/cm2, with the light intensity being predetermined.

Professional laser hair removal

In contrast, home laser hair removal devices offer an output of 3-6 J/cm2 and reach a maximum of 10 J/cm2. In addition, most IPL devices have variable intensity levels that can be adjusted depending on skin tolerance.

However, it should be noted that Ulike has developed the Ulike Sapphire AIR3 IPL hair removal device, which is more than twice as powerful as conventional IPL devices, with an output of 21 J/cm2. However, this power is still lower than that of a professional laser.

2. Technology and working principles: Winner - At home

Both laser hair removal methods are based on the principle of the difference in pigmentation between skin and hair. This means that the more pigment the hair has and the less pigment the skin has, the better the results will be.

Dark hair with higher pigmentation absorbs the light better. The difference between the two procedures lies in their technology. Professional lasers use a highly focused beam of light that targets a specific area to destroy the hair roots. IPL devices, on the other hand, use a broadband light that destroys the hair follicles without undue stress on the skin.

In addition, due to its lower energy, IPL technology is relatively gentler on the body and face compared to professional lasers.

3. Privacy: Winner - At Home

One of the main reasons for choosing a home laser hair removal device is concern for privacy. Regardless of the professionalism of the doctor or your own self-confidence, showing yourself with unwanted hair takes courage and can be an embarrassing affair. Therefore, you either turn off your feelings or choose a home laser device .

Laser hair removal at home

With IPL devices, you can easily remove your own hair in the comfort of your own bathroom without having to worry about your privacy. Plus, you know best which hairs you want to get rid of and which you want to keep, and you save yourself the inconvenience of having to explain such things to a doctor.

4. Time spent during a session: Winner - At home

Professional laser hair removal devices emit a beam of light with a small surface area to treat hair follicles individually or in small amounts. This results in a session being quite time-consuming. Generally, it takes about 5-10 minutes for the face, 5-10 minutes for the armpits and about 30 minutes for the legs. So for a full body hair removal session in a clinic, you will often need more than an hour.

In contrast, home laser hair removal devices have a wider window that allows them to treat multiple hair follicles at once, taking less than half the time compared to professional lasers. If you want to spend even less time per session, the Ulike Air3 IPL device offers fast 0.7-second flashes and an automatic glide mode. With this device, you'll need less than 10 minutes for a full-body session.

5. Pain-free experience: Winner - At home

As mentioned above, professional hair removal uses a highly focused and powerful beam of light. This light is too intense for the skin to tolerate without pain or irritation, and in most cases the pain is almost unbearable. Therefore, numbing gels are used before the procedure to keep the skin pain-free.

After the effects of the anesthesia wear off, you may still experience mild to moderate burning, pain, or stinging on the skin. In contrast, IPL devices are relatively painless and cause only a minimal level of discomfort.

However, if you don't want to experience any pain or discomfort at all, we recommend the Ulike IPL device. It features innovative technology that makes hair removal completely painless, comfortable and relaxing.

6. The convenience of repeating the treatment: Winner - At home

Laser hair removal, whether performed in a clinic or in your bathroom, is not permanent. Hair follicles have a tendency to regenerate over time and hair begins to grow again after a certain period of time. With IPL hair removal, this period is more than 6 months, while with professional hair removal it can be up to 2 years.

After this period of time, you have two options: you can either go back to traditional hair removal methods or repeat your treatment. With a professional laser hair removal, you would have to book consultations again and go through all those sessions. However, with IPL hair removal, there is convenience as you always have the equipment to hand. All you have to do is shave the unwanted hair and have a quick hair removal session.

In addition, IPL handheld devices like the Ulike Air3 purple offer an unlimited number of flashes, so you can repeat the treatment as often as you like.

7. Treatment time: Winner - At home

Professional laser hair removal is a long-term procedure that requires regular treatments every 4-6 weeks, and usually 6-12 sessions are necessary to complete the treatment. This means you will need regular sessions for about a year.

In contrast, laser hair removal at home is easier. The same number of sessions are required to completely remove hair, but these sessions can be done 15 days apart or alternated, allowing you to complete the treatment in just a few months. In particular, with devices like the Ulike Sapphire purple, you only need 9 sessions within 3 weeks to achieve 90% hair reduction.

8. Skin Tone Compatibility: Winner - Pro

Laser hair removal usually works well on dark hair colors such as black, brown and dark blonde, but has no effect on red, gray, white or light blonde hair. The same goes for light skin tones, which are well compatible with the laser. This is not always the case with home hair removal devices, so you should check compatibility with your skin tone before purchasing.

skin tone

On the other hand, the latest technology of professional laser hair removal is also suitable for people with dark skin and light hair, although it still does not work on very light, blonde hair.

9. Costs: Winner - At Home

The cost of professional hair removal is often very high and can range from €1500 for the face to more than €15,000 for the entire body. Home laser hair removal devices, on the other hand, usually cost between €300 and €600 and are therefore more affordable for all budgets. For example, the Ulike Saphir Air3 purple IPL handset costs only €369 and has a lifespan of more than 50 years, if not longer.

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Comparison table

Let's take a look at the comparison table of laser hair removal at home and professional hair removal to know the advantages and disadvantages of both options.

Professional laser hair removal

Laser hair removal at home


· Accurate treatment

· Longer lasting results

· Almost 90% of hair is reduced

· Can also be used on all skin tones

· Precise hair removal in hidden places

· Safe procedure

· An experienced surgeon conducts the session

· Respect for privacy

· Relatively inexpensive

· Results within 1 month

· Easy touch-ups for yourself

· FDA approved and safe procedure

· Perfect for small to large areas

· Save travel costs

· Quick 10-minute sessions

· Less pain and other side effects


· Very expensive

· Ineffective for people with hormonal problems such as PCOS

· Risk of skin blisters, redness, scarring or hyperpigmentation

· It can take up to a year for the hair to be completely removed

· Hectic travel

· Risk of forgetting your session

· About 70-80% of the hair is reduced

· Regular improvements required

· Hairless skin only lasts 6 months

· Some areas may be overlooked

· No options for black or very dark skin tones


Professional laser hair removal is undoubtedly a highly effective procedure performed by experts and can reduce unwanted hair by about 90%. However, it is not affordable for everyone and may not be suitable for all skin types due to its intensity and specialized requirements. In addition, the treatment can be uncomfortable on the skin.

In contrast, at-home laser hair removal is also highly effective and can reduce unwanted hair by 80-90%, but it is far more affordable, gentle, convenient and safe for the general population, making it an attractive alternative that many people are considering to meet their hair removal needs.

1 comment



Hi. Wie hoch ist die Lebensdauer des Air 10, dh wie lange kann man es benutzen bis die Lichtimpulse aufgebraucht sind?

Hi. Wie hoch ist die Lebensdauer des Air 10, dh wie lange kann man es benutzen bis die Lichtimpulse aufgebraucht sind?

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